Tuesday 17 April 2018


#5 In Salon Collagen Treatments

There are various in-salon treatments that therapists can offer their clients to increase collagen levels naturally. Environ' Collagen Power Facial. is a peptide-packed treatment that boosts collagen, softens fine lines and tightens lax skin. Gentle sound waves and pulsed iontophoresis are used to drive a special nutrient-packed serum deep into the skin to give a plumper, more radiant appearance.

Environ Skincare Treatment

Collagen Stimulation Therapy
The most effective treatment salons can offer is Collagen Stimulation Therapy. which harnesses the body's natural powers of healing to smooth the skin and achieve incredible results, pioneered by Environ' Founder Or Des Fernandes. Collagen Stimulation Therapy (CST) can stimulate collagen production and tighten skin. It combines micro-needling with topical vitamin skincare and involves thousands of tiny needle pricks to the skin. The resultant bleeding initiates the release of platelets which in turn release a cascade of growth factors. This is what stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, resulting in a tighter, smoother and younger looking skin. One of the key growth factors released (TGF 83) is normally only found in foetal tissue and is responsible for initiating scar-less healing and regenerating skin.

Adapted from an article in the IIAA Bulletin April 2018

Monday 16 April 2018


#4 Vitamin A and Collagen

Vitamin A influences up to a thousand of the body's genes and it is essential for the normal function of ALL skin cells. It induces the genes for collagen production - healthy lattice-type collagen I and ll. Vitamin A also increases NMF (natural moisturising factors) in the skin, and improves the quality of elastin. According to research, vitamin A is effective in preventing and treating the collagen loss caused by photo damage. It found that treating the skin with vitamin A prevents the loss of type 1 and type 2 collagen caused by UV exposure. Furthermore, the role of peptides, cannot be ignored. Peptides are made up of amino acids, which can help form collagen, elastin and GAGS (moisturising factors). Introducing moisturisers that contain a combination of Matrixyl 3000, Trylaqen and Matrixyl Synthe 6 peptide complexes, can help to smooth out lines and wrinkles and restore collagen levels, making the skin appear plumper and smoother.

Active Vitamin A Treatment

Adapted from an article in the IIAA Bulletin April 2018

Sunday 15 April 2018


#3 Collagen - The Elixir Of Youth?

As we learnt from Meryl Streep in the cult 90's film 'Death Becomes Her', the quest for eternal youth is something many strive for and youthful skin can become the ultimate skincare goal. But unfortunately, ageing IS a natural part of life and as time passes by collagen levels start to decline. From the age of 20, 1 % percent less collagen is produced in the dermis each year. As we age less collagen is produced and both collagen and elastin fibres break, thicken, stiffen, clump together and lose their elasticity.
Without collagen the skin will lose its youthful, plumpness and slowly the signs of ageing becoming increasing Visible. There's no stopping the ageing process. Luckily there are ways to slow it down and prevent some of the visible signs of ageing. One way to preserve youthful skin is to activate or regenerate fibroblast cells ensuring a good supply of collagen fibres and firmer skin.

Collagen and Youthful Looks

Adapted from an article in the IIAA Bulletin April 2018

Saturday 14 April 2018



Type 1: Collagen Type I is the most abundant collagen of the human body. It is the end product when tissue heals by repair and is our best structural collagen.

Type 2: Collagen Type II is found as we grow larger and become more active. It is the main component of cartilage.

Type 3: Collagen Type III is found In adults and mature tissue and IS formed before being synthesised into Collagen Type I.

Type 4: Collagen Type IV is found in the basement membrane.

Type 5: Collagen Type V is associated with Collagen Type I and is found in cell surfaces.

Collagen and the skin

Adapted from an article in the IIAA Bulletin April 2018

Friday 13 April 2018


#1 What Is Collagen?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and is found mainly in the skin, muscles, bones, cartilage and all the body's connective tissues. In the skin, collagen is responsible for its strength and elasticity. Collagen is made by the fibroblast cells found in the dermis. In addition to making collagen, fibroblast cells are also responsible for elastin production, as well as natural moisturising factors such as Hyaluronic acid. Fibroblast cells protect collagen by inhibiting collagenase (an enzyme that breaks down collagen) and also make pro-collagenases which destroy old and damaged collagen. Normal, healthy collagen (in lattice-type formation) is incredibly strong. It can be compared to a rubber band as it is extremely elastic and springs back when stretched.
There are several factors that contribute to collagen loss including: natural skin ageing and UV damage. Other key contributory factors to collagen loss include free radicaI damage and lifestyle (i.e. smoking, excess caffeine, alcohol and sugar consumption). If fibroblasts are damaged by UV rays or free radicals they will produce defective collagen.
If deep, long term damage to the structural proteins occur then the skin loses its tone and structure. Therefore it is important to safeguard your natural collagen by ensuring protecting your skin from UV damage and follow a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Adapted from an article in the IIAA Bulletin April 2018

Sunday 18 March 2018




1. Understand.

Every cell in the body needs hormones to work optimally.

2. Nourish.

Hormones cannot work in a stressed body - nutritious food, vitamins, minerals. omega fish oils, vitamin D, sleep and exercise are like fertilised soil for the hormones to do their job.

3. BHRT.

Bio-identical hormones mimic the structure of your own hormones, They are natural purified from plants and have not been manipulated for the purposes of patent applications.

4. Personalised.

Your doctor will recommend a formula that is personally designed to re-balance your hormone profile, depending on the results of a blood test.

5. Ageless.

BHRT is beneficial during the peri to post menopause stages: it's a myth that once past menopause, women do not need hormones. Even 90 year old women are using them.

SBB Burton
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Source: IIA Bulletin March 2018

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Saturday 17 March 2018



The menopause usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age. It follows the perimenopause stage and is when menstrual periods stop and fertility ends. Menopause symptoms include hot flushes, insomnia, and weight gain, loss of sex drive, mood swings, depression and changes

to the appearance of the skin. A rather irritating symptom is also unwanted facial hair. Some women often find hairs appearing on their chin or Jaw line, which is caused by a drop in oestrogen and rise in testosterone levels. It is also during this time that women may opt for treatment to relieve some of the many symptoms of the menopause such as BHRT (Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy).

"Bio-identical hormones are exactly similar in molecular structure (i.e, identical) to the hormones that your ovaries and adrenal glands secrete into your bloodstream. They are produced in the laboratory from plants, usually yam or soya" - Dr Yehudi Gordon (Consultant Gynaecologist)


1. Change in fat deposits

Oestrogen deficiency during menopause causes a change in body composition with an increase in abdominal fat. This contributes to metabolic syndrome which increases the risk of cardiac disease and diabetes. Facial fat becomes thinner resulting in loss of volume.

2. Wrinkles

Wrinkles will become more prominent as your skin begins to sag and lose its elasticity.

3. Hyperpigmentation/ Age Spots

Melanocytes, which are the cells that manufacture the pigment melanin, are also controlled by oestrogens. As menopause kicks in, melanocytes levels decline. As melanin decreases, areas of the skin become lighter and therefore more susceptible to sun damage.

4. Sun Damage

Years of sun exposure can results in solar lentigines. These brown 'age spots' may start to appear on the face, neck, hands, arms and chest. Age spots can look flat with a black, brown or even grey colour. However, often at times these age spots may have a similar appearance to some skin cancers. Therefore, as a precaution, if your client is concerned with very dark spots or spots that one that looks blotchy or are increasing in size, it is best to advise them to visit their GP.

5. Dry Skin

Dry skin happens as your skin ages because it fails to produce natural oils partly due to a decrease in hormone production. Seasonal changes also affect menopause skin changes. However on the contrary, some women may experience oily skin with the decline in oestrogen.


1. Use SPF cream wiih antioxidants - a winning combination for menopausal skin changes.

2 Eliminate scrubs, harsh cleansers and facial brushes which strip the skin of natural oils and disrupt the stratum corneum promoting transepidermal water loss.

3. Use a hydrating oil based cleanser that removes environmental pollutants from the skin whilst maintaining the natural acid balance of the skin.

4. Introduce key active ingredients such as vitamin A and C orally and topically, along with antioxidants to protect the skin against the damaging effects of free radicals. Vitamin A thickens the skin, whilst stimulating natural moisturising factors, Vitamin C will support collagen production and help generate healthy skin cells.

5. Introduce a good quality omega 3 and 6 supplement to compensate for the decline in oils and nutrients.

6. Supplement with bio-identical hormones which will reduce or eliminate the symptoms of the menopause. Combined with lifestyle and dietary changes this can mean staying vital, strong and healthy (physically and mentally) as we go through the menopause and beyond. 

Next in the series: Five Steps to Hormonal Happiness

Source: IIA Bulletin March 2018 

Friday 16 March 2018



The lead up to the menopause can be a tricky time. Perimenopause is the phase before menopause actually takes place and normally lasts between 3 - 4 years. During this phase, hormone production begins to decline and fluctuate.

Declining oestrogen levels mean skin becomes thinner with more pronounced wrinkles such as those on the upper lip. Loss of collagen and elastin combined with reduced volume (subcutaneous fat) and bone shrinkage results in loss of structural integrity and the face literally sliding south. The severity of these symptoms will depend on UV exposure from childhood, genetics, lifestyle as well as medication which will each have an impact on the quality of skin.

The hormones that help regulate the sebaceous glands, such as oestrogen also start to decline, leading to stubborn breakouts or acne in some women. This is further aggravated by the slowing-down of the skins cell renewal process in more mature skin. As excess skin cells build

up, blocked pores already clogged with sebum, are further irritated causing inflammation.


Balance from within

Look at your diet. Balance blood sugar levels with a combination of vegetables, wholegrains with lean protein foods including meat, fish, eggs, nuts, lentils and fibre. Cut down on caffeine, sugar and alcohol. Smoking is a no no.

Get physical

The decrease of hormonal levels means increased risk of osteoporosis so keep moving with daily exercise such as walking daily for at least 30 minutes. Building in weight bearing exercise is essential to help strengthen bones. Exercise is also great for beating depression and anxiety and boosting your libido.

Supplement your diet
Introduce a good multivitamin to ensure appropriate levels of magnesium, vitamin D to channel calcium to the core of the bones and ensure daily essential Omega 3 to help With dry skin, low mood and depression.

Next in the series: Fifties - Skin and the Menopause

Source: IIA Bulletin March 2018

Thursday 15 March 2018



Did you know that from 26'ish women will see a different type of hormonal acne - deep, cystic bumps in the chin and jawline area and products won't work as well on these hormonal breakouts. Other female-only hormonal changes include pregnancy, the contraceptive pill and PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome).
Many women experience acne or skin breakouts Just before 'that time of the month' as when hormonal levels fluctuate this in turn, stimulates the sebaceous glands. The contraceptive pill. that contains artificial hormones oestrogen and progesterone, may cause photo-sensitivity
In some women and result in pigmentation. The onset of pregnancy, is another trigger for hormonal changes that may lead to pigmentation and sometimes acne. Managing skin concerns, whilst pregnant can be very difficult as some treatments/remedies may have to be avoided.

Wrinkles and pigmentation usually start to appear as a result of damage done to skin in teens. The skin will start to appear dull as already skin cell turnover will be slowing down. Now is the time to start investing in active products and treatments to ensure firmer, younger looking skin. Having regular vitamin A based treatments and gradually increasing the dosage can help encourage healthy cell production. Using vitamin A and C orally can also enhance collagen synthesis.
Use a mild oil based cleanser and avoid scrubs.
Start to introduce vitamin C orally and topically for strong healthy collagen formation.
Get your skin analysed and follow with a tailored skincare programme.
Introduce vitamin A orally and topically to help keep skin looking healthy (skin care expert to advise during pregnancy).
Protect the skin from the sun at all times and use an antioxidant based sunscreen.

Next in the series: Forties - The Perimenopause

Source: IIA Bulletin March 2018

Wednesday 14 March 2018



Although acne can start at any age, hormonal changes during puberty may trigger acne flare ups. According to the British Skin Foundation, acne affects around 80% of adolescents aged 13-18 years Why is this? During puberty, hormones that promote natural development, will raise testosterone levels in boys and girls. A side effect of this can be the overproduction of sebum which in turn can cause acne. Stress is also a contributory factor. Exams, social pressures and dealing with puberty itself can lead to a rise in the adrenal hormones, again causing the sebaceous glands to 'overproduce sebum. 


Avoid harsh scrubs or cleansers.

Use mineral based make-up to avoid artificial chemicals that will clog the skin further.

Use vitamin A orally and topically to help normalise sebum production.

Next in the series: Twenties/Thirties - Hormones and Pregnancy.

Source: IIA Bulletin March 2018

Tuesday 13 March 2018



Hormones are chemical messengers that send messages to the cells that they interact with. They can affect several processes in the body including growth, reproduction and metabolism. Hormones can also influence the immune system as well as our mood, causing changes in behavior. Unsurprisingly, during the average life journey, numerous hormonal changes can reflect in various ways on our skin's appearance and condition. For example, skin conditions commonly associated with puberty includes acne, while dryness, loss of collagen and elasticity, reduced volume are noted during menopause and surprisingly skin that suffers from breakouts is also common. The bad news is that, as we age these skin changes are inevitable. The good news is that by understanding why and what steps to take, each of us can stay in control.

Next in the series: Teens - Hormones and Puberty

Source: IIA Bulletin March 2018

Sunday 11 February 2018

The Rise of Concern Based Skincare

The Rise of Concern Based Skincare


As skincare professionals, we see clients seeking treatments for skin concerns such as Acne, Rosacea, Pigmentation, Dry, Sensitive or Fine Lines/Wrinkles on a daily basis. Research from the British Skin Foundation has found that 60% of British people currently suffer from or have suffered from a skin condition at some point during their lifetime.

Skin Condition
British People Suffer From Skin Condition

When it comes to skincare efficacy, a 'one size fits all' approach is no longer enough. Discerning clients armed with more information via the internet, reality programmes and social commentary, want to treat specific skin concerns to benefit from skincare regimes tailored to meet their personal needs


When looking at skin concerns, it appears that overall, both men and women are paying more attention to the 'what' and the 'how to resolve if. A recent study of 92 dermatology clinics found a 200% rise in the number of adults seeking specialist Acne treatment'. Other skin conditions on the
ise include Rosacea and Pigmentation. Rosacea treatment enquiries are up by 92%, double compared to the year before. Hyperpigmentation, caused by the overproduction of Melanin resulting in darker patches on the skin, can not only make skin look uneven but can also give the appearance of aged skin.

Acne Treatment
Rise In Adults Seeking Acne Treatment

What has caused this rise in skin concerns? Note: a few modern day factors that have huge impact


Diets high in sugar, lacking nutrients and full of processed foods can lead to a host of adverse health issues, including heart disease, weight gain and also skin problems. Yet, as a nation, we are consuming more sugar and processed foods than ever before. The World Health Organisation has stated that people should aim to get just 5% of their daily calories from sugary foods. However, the average is 12.3% for adults under 65 according to the national diet and nutrition survey (NONS). Sugar can trigger a spike in blood sugar levels. This increases levels of insulin that can cause skin problems such as acne and rosacea. In fact, an overview of research carried out over the past 50 years has found that eating foods with a high glycaemic index (GI) not only aggravated acne, but in some cases triggered it, too",


A survey of 4,000 people ' found that four out of five adults feel stressed during a typical week, while almost one in ten were stressed all the time. There is now a greater understanding of the link between stress and adverse effects on skin health. For example, stress hormones trigger overproduction of sebum that can create or worsen Acne. Raised levels of stress hormones promote transepidermal water loss resulting in dry and dull skin appearance. While in general. hormonal imbalances can play havoc on the health of skin whether caused by stress or other factors such as PMS, pregnancy, puberty and menopause.


Daily exposure to free radicals, including pollution, UVA/UBA rays can also lead to various skin issues. Air pollution can lead to premature ageing by accelerating wrinkles and age spots, according to emerging scientific research'. Clients reporting sun damage is also very common. Although more than eight out of 10 people are worried about skin cancer, 72% have been sunburnt in the past year".
UVA rays are particularly dangerous because they don't cause burning, so there's no immediate sign that any damage is being done. In fact, the tell-tale pigmentation marks, excessive wrinkles and leathery texture often don't become apparent until many years later

Rosacea Treatment Enquiries


Personalised and information based skincare is the future. Providing a consultative approach enables client confidence and loyalty through a longer term treatment programme. Therapists should be taking a three pronged approach when treating their clients:

1.       Start with a detailed skin analysis, in order to really understand the client's skin. Use skin imaging technology and take photos regularly to show progress.
Discuss and design a personalised treatment programme - the #100DayReset programme is ideal for both new and existing clients. Combine professional treatments with a personalised homecare routine to address the client's concern.

2.       Treat from within. Skin nourished from the inside looks healthy on the outside. Clients who use appropriate supplements are likely to achieve far superior results.

3.       Use topical treatments that are about efficacy and integrity.
Topical vitamin treatments that contain vitamin A have shown to make a dramatic difference to skin concerns.

If clients are using the wrong kind of make-up it could undo all the hard work. Encourage the use of non-comedogenic cosmetics to avoid aggravating concerns. Remember, mineral make-up, such as Jane Iredale, is the best kind for clients with problematic skin as it allows the skin to breathe.

Don't worry about discussing your skin issues with a professional skincare expert, we are here to help and support you, to get your skin in its best possible condition.

Call us on 01283 561208, or pop in for a chat.

Skye Blue Beauty

153 Station Street

Burton Upon Trent

DE14 1BG

Tuesday 16 January 2018


The importance of visiting a professional to carry out potentially risky treatments was thrown into the spotlight time and again in 2017. Much to the frustration of therapists and techs, it seemed stories of consumers injuring themselves as a result of DIY treatments were rarely out of the news.
In May, the British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) reported a surge in people suffering from allergic reactions after using home gel-polish and acrylic kits, ranging from sore cuticles to the natural nails lifting from the nail beds.
It wasn't just consumers at fault though - the adverse reactions were also attributed to techs mixing products and technologies from different brands systems.                                                                      
Separately, a survey revealed just how often people injure themselves when attempting to remove their own pubic hair, with 14% admitting they had sustained injuries that required medical attention.
Even more seriously, experts began warning consumers against buying skin peels from eBay following reports of people suffering severe facial burns. Campaign group Safety in Beauty received 27 complaints of chemical peels gone wrong from products containing banned ingredients such as trichoroacetic acid.

Visit Your Local Beauty Professionals

Skye Blue Beauty
153 Station Street
Burton Upon Trent
DE14 1BG

or call us on 01283 561208
